Why are we so obsessed with working ourselves to death? We’ve heard the warnings. Stress associated with being overworked is costing our health, relationships, and stealing our joy. It really is a slow death.
Perhaps our obsession with working ourselves to death, working too much and enjoying life too little, is really about our obsession with money and what we think it will buy.
We’ve traded our time for money at all costs. That’s right, we have decided that working more hours will bring more money which will buy us happiness.
We’re also working to exhaustion because we worry about job security. With so many people unemployed, getting fired for not being a “team player” is easy.
We believe getting a well paid job is a challenge.
What about small business owners? Don’t we start a business so we can have more control over our work schedules and our life?
Every small business owner or start up I’ve ever spoken with had a vision for their life. They believed being their own boss would give them the control they wanted.
It’s not long before you realize you just created a job for yourself. You work even longer hours. You’re likely making less money than in your job and you’re not living the life you envisioned.
In my work on lifestyle-business design, I’ve spoken with many successful entrepreneurs happy with their work, yet unhappy with how it’s affecting their life.
What’s the solution? Flip the switch. Design your business to work around your life.
The issue for most of us: we’ve made work the priority in our life. Instead, make your life a priority.
What is missing or being neglected because of work? Is your health suffering? Are you missing your kids? How long has it been since you had a date with your partner? Got it?
In order to change, you’re going to have to be brutally honest with yourself. Working with my clients on this, I can’t play nice. Don’t play nice with yourself.
Everything comes down to choice. All throughout your day there are places where you’re allowing your time to be stolen.
Be vigilant 0f your time, if you want live life fully present.